Top 5 Beginner-Friendly Stress Relieving Yoga Poses

It is very important to take a break from your busy lives and step back a little. The aim is to relax your body and mind, so that, you do not wear yourself out. Stress can make a home in your mind before you have the least idea.

As a beginner, you might not be able to practice advanced or intermediate yoga poses. Thus, you should practice the following mentioned basic and easy stress relieving yoga poses. No matter what is the level of your yoga practice, you can easily practice them. Keep rolling.

Best Yoga Poses For Beginners To Relieve Stress

Child’s Pose

It could be a great yoga pose to start with. Simply sit on your knees with your feet lie upside down on the ground. For your convenience, place a pillow between your legs. It saves you from putting extra pressure on your knees.

Bend forward to let your stomach lie flat on the pillow. If you are not using any yoga prop, let your head touch the floor. You can extend your arms further to stretch your shoulder blades. It helps in increasing the range of motion of your shoulders.

Legs Up The Wall

This is a perfect beginners pose that you should practice. Lie down on your back and let your body loose to release stress. You need a wall close to your legs, so that, you can support your legs against the wall.

Make sure that your hips are placed as close to the wall as possible. Moreover, keep in mind to never lock your legs out. It puts unnecessary stress on your knee caps. However, you should ensure to fully extend your legs to stretch your hamstrings.

Legs are the most used muscles in your body. When you raise them over your head, it leads to a slight inversion of liquids in the legs muscles. Thus, it helps in reducing any swelling from your feet or ankles.

Reclined Bound Angle Pose

Practicing this pose ensures you feel deeply relaxed. Moreover, it helps in opening your hip for better mobility. It further stretches out your inner thighs.

To begin with, simply lie on your back. Let your arms loose beside you. Fold your legs such that the sole of your feet touches each other. Make sure that your legs are in contact with the floor. It opens your legs to the maximum degree for better flexibility.

Revolved Abdomen Pose

It releases tension ingrained in your spine and abdomen. Lie on your back and place your feet on the ground by folding the legs. Let your legs fall on one side of your body. However, make sure that your shoulders and upper back are always in contact with the floor.

Practicing the pose stretches your core, shoulders, and hip muscles. You might not be able to touch your legs on the ground at first. Thus, keep practicing to gain more flexibility.

Corpse Pose

Have you ever wondered about doing nothing and still able to relax your mind and body? Corpse pose is just the right option to release stress from your being. All you have to do is lie down to deeply relax. That’s it. Do nothing.

You need to be mindful by keeping your awareness on your body or breath. It helps in not letting your mind wander in unwanted places. Make sure you find a comfortable and relaxing position to practice the corpse pose.

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